भारत के जलवायवीय क्षेत्र
Planning Commission has demarcated the geographical area of India into 15 agro-climatic regions. These are further divided into more homogenious 72 sub-zones.The 15 agroclimatic zones are:
1. Western Himalayan Region: J&K, HP, UP, Utranchal
2. Eastern Himalayan Region: Assam Sikkim, W.Bangal & all North-Eastern states
3. Lower Gangetic Plains Region: W.Bangal
4. Middle Gangetic Plains Region: UP, Bihar
5. Upper Gangetic Plains Region: UP
6. Trans-Gangetic Plains Region: Panjab, Haryana, Delhi & Rajasthan
7. Eastern Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, UP, Odisha & W.Bangal
8. Central Plateau and Hills Region: MP, Rajasthan, UP
9. Western Plateau and Hills Region: Maharastra, MP & Rajasthan
10. Southern Plateau and Hills Region: AP, Karnatak, Tamil Nadu
11. East Coast Plains and Hills Region: Odisha, AP, TN,& Pondicheri
12. West Coast Plains and Ghat Region : TN, Keral, Goa, Karnatak, Maharastra
13. Gujarat Plains and Hills Region: Gujrat
14. Western Dry Region: Rajasthan
15. The Islands Region: Andman & Nicaobar, Lakshya Deep
राकेश्वर वर्मा
तकनिकी अधिकारी, भा.कृ.अं.संस्थान, नई दिल्ली