नवजात बछड़े की देखभाल और प्रबंधन

The first hour after calving is the most critical period in the entire life of a new born calf. Timely care of new-born calf will ensure its survival

  • Immediately after the birth, any membranes or mucus adhering to the mouth, nostrils, eyes, and ears of the newborn calf should be carefully removed to facilitate normal breathing.
  • Usually, a cow will lick her calf dry. However, under certain situations, if a cow doesn’t do this or is not allowed to do so, make the calf dry by rubbing with clean, dry towels or bedding over the head and ribs, this will not only dry off the calf but also enhances thermoregulation.
  • Make sure that calves begin active breathing or respiration within 30 seconds, especially after a difficult birth. This can be done by tickling the inside of the nose with a straw, finger, or other instrument pinching the nasal septum, or using a 20 gauge 1.5” needle and place in the acupuncture site in the center of the nose or by pouring cold water on the calf’s head, which causes the grasping reflex in the calf or artificial respiration should be introduced by pressing and reflexing alternatively the chest wall or if the young one is smaller in size hold it by the hind limbs, lift it with the head down and swing it. Care is taken so that the young one is slipped cut off hands.
  • The navel cord of the calf is tied 2.5 cm away from its body and cut about one centimeter below the ligature and the navel in 7% tincture of iodine. Re-apply antiseptics to the stump for 2-3 days.
  • Record the birth weight of calves.
  • A normal healthy calf gets up within 30 minutes. A calf must receive colostrum within a few hours after its birth.
  • Feed ample amounts of colostrum as soon as possible within the first hour after birth. Provide a second feeding within 12 hours of birth. The intestine of the newborn calf begins to lose its ability to absorb the large antibody molecules in the colostrum within 1 hour after birth. By the 9 hours after birth, there is a 50% reduction in the ability to absorb antibodies. Gut closure is complete at 24 hours of age. Furthermore, at this time, typical digestive enzymes in the abomasum and small intestine do not work or function only partially, allowing immunoglobins to enter the small intestine unharmed. Furthermore, colostrum contains enzyme inhibitors, which enable immunoglobins to avoid intestinal breakdown.
  • The quantity of first colostrum feeding should be around 4-5% of the calf’s body weight and during the first 24 hours after birth a calf should receive colostrum @ 12-15% of its body weight to guarantee adequate absorption of antibodies by the digestive tract. Usually, the colostrum obtained in the second milking after calving contains about 60-70% of the antibodies present in the first colostrum milk. Colostrum feeding should be continued for the first 3-4 days of life. The calf needs 3-4 liters of colostrum daily in 3 equal feeds.
  • Good quality colostrum looks thick and creamy. Colostrum which is thin and watery should not be fed to calves. Always use colostrum obtained from a healthy cow.
  • Wash the udder and teats well before collecting colostrum. Filtering colostrum may help to remove some debris.
  • Colostrum can be stored at room temperature for 1-2 days, refrigerated for 7 days, or frozen for up to a year. Frozen colostrum should be thawed on warm, low, or medium heat, and it should be thawed repeatedly to avoid overheating.
  • In the absence of colostrum, a mixture of 2 eggs in 30 ml castor oil is good. Another colostrum substitute can be prepared by mixing an egg, 275 ml warm water, 5 ml castor oil, 525 ml warm whole milk, 10000 IU of vitamin A, and 80 mg of Aureomycin and the mixture can be given three times a day for four days. Injectable immunoglobin products produced from purified bovine blood may be useful to increase circulating antibody levels in calves with failure of passive transfer that is older than 24 hours of age.
  • Weaker calves need assistance. Hence, a weak calf must be assisted to its feet and be held so it can nurse or it may be fed colostrum using a clean nipple bottle. For too week calf stomach tube can be used to feed the colostrum.
  • If a calf shows anemia, an injection of 150 mg of iron dextrin solution may be given within a few hours of birth. An injection of vitamins A, D, and E is also recommended.
  • Meconium is passed within two hours of first suckling. If meconium is not passed an enema with 1 teaspoon of soda bicarb in one liter of lukewarm water may be given.
  • Marking of calf with an appropriate method of identification is done removal from the dam.
  • Calves may be kept in individual calf boxes.


Karishma Choudhary and Vinod Kumar Palsaniya

V. Sc. (LPM), CVAS, Navania, Udaipur.

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