Linguistic computerization: Unicode is the only Option
Unicode is a worldwide character encoding standard. Documents created in Unicode can be easily transported to any computer and it is most suitable for web publishing. From windows xp onword Unicode is pre installed. We have to just activate the unicode keyboard for our language.
Windows Vista/ Windows-7 में हिदी कीबोर्ड सक्रिय करने के लिए
- साइट पर जाए
- Click on TOOLS >>Downloads >> Hindi- Download (Vista/Windows-7 32 Bit)
- A zip file will be downloaded.
Unzip the folder and Run or double click Hindi Indic Input 2 Setup. Once the installation process is complete, Hindi Indic Input 2 has been successfully installed will be displayed.
- Go to Start-> Control Panel > Regional & Language Options >Click on Keyboard and Languages Tab > Click on Change Keyboards > Add > select Hindi Indic keyboard in Hindi (India) keyboard
- Go to Start-> Control Panel > Regional & Language Options >Click on Keyboard and Languages Tab > Click on Change Keyboards >Language Bar
- select radio button Docked in taskbar and also tick Show text lables in language bar
Hindi Indic Input प्रयोग करने लिए
Start the MSOffice , Browser or any application where you want to type. From the System tray Click on EN or Press Keyboard’s left side ALT+Shift to toggle between EN (English) and HI (Hindi). The PC is now ready to start typing in Hindi. You can Select Keyboard of your Choice by clicking on keyboard image
नॉन यूनिकोड फोंटस जैसे Akshar, ISM, APS, Akruti, KrutiDev , Weenky आदि से यूनिकोड में बदलने के लिए
विकल्प - 1
http:// .
- Choose the language. (Hindi)
- Click on the ‘Download’
- Click Option No. 5 (सार्वत्रिक हिदी फॉट कोड एवं भंडारण कोड परिवर्तक)
- A zip file will be downloaded.
Unzip the folder and run setup.exe file. Parivartan software will be installed in your system.
परिवर्तन सॉफटवेयर से नॉन युनिकोड फोंटस मे बनी फाइले (*.txt, *.doc, *.rtf तथा MSExcel *.xls की फाइलों) को युनिकोड में बदला जा सकरता है
नोट: फाईल का नाम एक वर्ड का हो व फाइल को वर्ड word97-2000 format मे सेव कर ले
विकल्प – 2
- Click on Tools
- Click on Font Tools
- Click on TBIL Convertor
- A zip file will be downloaded.
- Unzip the folder and run setup.exe file. TBIL Convertor
software will be installed in your system.
TBIL साफटवेयर से नॉन युनिकोड में बनी फाईल ( *.doc, *.xls, *.mdb तथा sql server database की फाइल) को यूनिकोड में बदला जा सकरता है।